DfE statutory RSHE topics are fully covered through PSHE lessons. However, like all children and young people, pupils with SEND live in an increasingly ‘connected’ world. They are not always able to recognise or separate the ‘offline world’ from the ‘online world’; therefore, all topics explored within the context of both. Further, given the priority around safeguarding, our students receive a supplementary RSE lesson each week. The focus should be on the quality of learning rather than quantity of ‘topics’ covered. It is not enough to simply teach pupils about the issues covered in the framework; it is vital they have the opportunity to explore, recognise and understand the subject content. The Hazel Oak RSHE curriculum aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to keep safe, enjoy a healthy social life and be as independent as possible. Their vulnerabilities, rooting from social, emotional and communication difficulties, mean that our students are more prone to safeguarding concerns such as bullying, exploitation, self-harm, and physical/sexual/emotional abuse. In school time, students are well protected and supported; however, in the real world, our young people may be subjected to emotional and/or physical harm from the wider public.
Many of our students have difficulty interpreting and understanding the law. For example, personal space and touch offers its challenges for students who have proprioceptive needs. In another example, pupils with SEND can be vulnerable to abusive relationships (including ‘mate crime’ where people with SEND are targeted and befriended for financial abuse). It includes topics like gender identity and sexual orientation. It also includes topics like sexual grooming, domestic abuse and forced marriage. This is to help pupils recognise when relationships (including family relationships) are harmful.
Our RSE curriculum aims to combat these concerns through preparing our young people for challenging ‘real life’ scenarios and works on building the resilience so that our young people can function and thrive safely within the community. When accessing social media, students who have difficulty with written and verbal communication are in danger of misinterpreting or miscommunicating messages, causing arguments and offence. As many of our students have difficulty processing and regulating feelings, the situation can be compounded, eventually leading to serious mental health issues and even self-harm. Consequently, our RSE curriculum reinforces learning around keeping safe online throughout the academic year.
Students cover all topics outlined in the statutory DfE guidance, regardless of developmental delays as RSHE is about keeping healthy and safe. However, the topics and delivery are highly differentiated. For instance, we use inclusive language, ‘overlearning’, chunked learning, contextualised and simplified concepts. Furthermore, there two highly adapted delivery styles: The Sex Factor delivery involves tactile resources and role play through puppets. And the Soap Opera resource enables students to explore topics through developing their own storyline and characters using comic strip storyboard.
As outlined above, RSHE is a primary focus for our school and is therefore embedded within the wider curriculum. For example, the Talkabout communication and interaction programme, Mental Health First Aid support, inspirational guests, restorative practice, work with the community Police, P4C, and group 1:1 intervention with the health care professionals. The importance of RHSE is highlighted further through our assessment system as every child is given an RHSE ECHP target.
We have created a culture where students feel comfortable being themselves, and if students need support, appropriate and timely intervention is provided. Consequently, we have lots of example where students who have overcome anxiety around a range of challenges such as sexuality, self-harm, keeping safe online. However, the real testament to our curriculum is the level of maturity and knowledge our 6th Formers possess as they are at the end point of their journey and we feel that they are well equipped to leave Hazel Oak and access the community safely.
Whilst it is not compulsory for Key Stage 4 and 5 to be offered PSHE (they learn Citizenship instead).
PSHE Programme Builders- Key Stage 1
Autumn 1: Relationships |
Autumn 2: Living in the Wider World |
Spring 1: Relationships |
Spring 2: Health and Wellbeing |
Summer 1: Living in the Wider World |
Summer 2: Health and Wellbeing |
KS1- Year 2 |
Thematic Model (K1+2) Recognising privacy; staying safe; seeking permission
Thematic Model (K1+2) Strengths and interests; jobs in the community |
Thematic Model (K1+2) How behaviour affects others; being polite and respectful |
Thematic Model (K1+2) Keeping healthy; food and exercise, hygiene routines; sun safety |
Thematic Model (K1+2) What money is; needs and wants; looking after money
Thematic Model (K1+2) Growing older; naming body parts; moving class or year |
KS1- Year 3 |
Thematic Model (K1+2) Making friends; feeling lonely and getting help |
Thematic Model (K1+2) What rules are; caring for others’ needs; looking after the environment |
Thematic Model (K1+2) Recognising things in common and differences; playing and working cooperatively; sharing opinions |
Thematic Model (K1+2) Why sleep is important; medicines and keeping healthy; keeping teeth healthy; managing feelings and asking for help |
Thematic Model (K1+2) The internet in everyday life; online content and information
Thematic Model (K1+2) Safety in different environments; risk and safety at home; emergencies |
PSHE Programme Builders- Key Stage 2
Autumn 1: Relationships |
Autumn 2: Living in the Wider World Health and Wellbeing |
Spring 1: Relationships |
Spring 2: Health and Wellbeing Living in the Wider World |
Summer 1: Living in the Wider World |
Summer 2: Health and Wellbeing |
KS2- Year 2 |
Thematic Model (K1+2) What makes a family; features of family life
Thematic Model (K1+2) Protecting the environment; compassion towards others
Thematic Model (K1+2) Responding respect- fully to a wide range of people; recognising prejudice and discrimination
Thematic Model (K1+2) Health choices and habits; what affects feelings; expressing feelings |
Thematic Model (K1+2) Different jobs and skills; job stereotypes; setting personal goals or Identifying job interests and aspirations; what influences career choices; workplace stereo- types
Thematic Model (K1+2) Personal strengths and achievements; managing and re- framing setbacks |
KS2- Year 3 |
Thematic Model (K1+2) Physical contact and feeling safe.
Thematic Model (K1+2) Medicines and household products; drugs common to everyday life |
Thematic Model (K1+2) Respecting differences and similarities; discussing difference sensitively
Thematic Model (K1+2) Valuing diversity; challenging discrimination and stereo- types
Thematic Model (K1+2) How data is shared and used or How information online is targeted; different media types, their role and impact
Thematic Model (K1+2) Physical and emotional changes in puberty; external genitalia; personal hygiene routines; support with puberty |
PSHE Programme Builders- Key Stage 3
Autumn 1 Health & wellbeing |
Autumn 2 Relationships |
Autumn 2 Living in the wider world |
Spring 2 Health & wellbeing |
Summer 1 Relationships |
Summer 2 Living in the wider world |
KS3 Year 1 |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Transition and safety Transition to secondary school and personal safety in and outside school, including first aid
Thematic Model (K3+4) Building relationships Self-worth, romance and friendships (including online) and relationship boundaries |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Developing skills and aspirations Careers, teamwork and enterprise skills, and raising aspirations
Cross Phase Model (Y3-8) Healthy lifestyles: Physically and mentally healthy lifestyles; Healthy sleep habits; Dental health; Managing stress; Accessing health services |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Diversity Diversity, prejudice, and bullying |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Financial decision making Saving, borrowing, budgeting and making financial choices
…..or Cross Phase Model (Y3-8) Economic wellbeing: Budgeting; Saving; Spending decisions; How managing money makes us feel; How spending choices affect others |
KS3 Year 2 |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Emotional wellbeing Mental health and emotional wellbeing, including body image and coping strategies |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Identity and relationships Gender identity, sexual orientation, consent, ‘sexting’, and an introduction to contraception |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Community and careers Equality of opportunity in careers and life choices, and different types and patterns of work
Thematic Model (K3+4) Peer influence, substance use and gangs Healthy and unhealthy friendships, assertiveness, substance misuse, and gang exploitation
Cross Phase Model (Y3-8) Puberty and reproduction: Menstrual wellbeing; Managing the changes of puberty; Developing independence; How a baby is made |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Discrimination Discrimination in all its forms, including: racism, religious discrimination, disability, discrimination, sexism, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Digital literacy Online safety, digital literacy, media reliability, and gambling hooks
KS3 Year 3 |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Mental health Mental health and ill health, stigma, safeguarding health, including during periods of transition or change |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Intimate relationships Relationships and sex education including consent, contraception, the risks of STIs, and attitudes to pornography |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Setting goals Learning strengths, career options and goal setting as part of the GCSE options process
Thematic Model (K3+4) Healthy lifestyle Diet, exercise, lifestyle balance and healthy choices, and first aid
Cross Phase Model (Y3-8) Puberty and reproduction: Menstrual wellbeing; Managing the changes of puberty; Developing independence; How a baby is made |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Families Different families and parental responsibilities, pregnancy, marriage and forced marriage and changing relationships |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Work experience Preparation for and evaluation of work experience and readiness for work
PSHE Programme Builders- Key Stage 4
Autumn 1 Health & wellbeing |
Autumn 2 Relationships |
Autumn 2 Living in the wider world |
Spring 2 Health & wellbeing |
Summer 1 Relationships |
Summer 2 Living in the wider world |
KS4 Year 1 |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Independence Responsible health choices, and safety in independent contexts |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Healthy relationships Relationships and sex expectations, myths, pleasure and challenges, including the impact of the media and pornography |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Employability skills Employability and online presence
Thematic Model (K3+4) Exploring influence The influence and impact of drugs, gangs, role models and the media
Cross Phase Model (Y3-8) Puberty and reproduction: Menstrual wellbeing; Managing the changes of puberty; Developing independence; How a baby is made |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Addressing extremism and radicalisation Communities, belonging and challenging extremism
Thematic Model (K3+4) Year 10’s once year 11’s leave school Work experience Preparation for and evaluation of work experience and readiness for work |
KS4 Year 2 |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Building for the future Self-efficacy, stress management, and future opportunities |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Respectful relationships Families and parenting, healthy relationships, conflict resolution, and relationship changes |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Next steps Application processes, and skills for further education, employment and career progression
Thematic Model (K3+4) Health and puberty Healthy routines, influences on health, puberty, unwanted contact, and FGM
Cross Phase Model (Y3-8) Puberty and reproduction: Menstrual wellbeing; Managing the changes of puberty; Developing independence; How a baby is made |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Communication in relationships Personal values, assertive communication (including in relation to contraception and sexual health), relationship challenges and abuse |
Thematic Model (K3+4) Year 10’s once year 11’s leave school Work experience Preparation for and evaluation of work experience and readiness for work |
RSE Stand Alone Lesson Topics
Choose the topics most pertinent to your pupils’ current needs.
SOAP OPERA- Lift or adapt the scenarios and translate into your class soap opera.
SEX FACTOR- Adapt the scenarios if necessary and follow the Sex Factor planning/resourcing
Masturbation and privacy (boys) |
Masturbation and privacy (girls) |
Bad Secret (1) |